TopBlocks Mining Machine

The best cost-efficient
Filecoin mining machine

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TopBlocks High Performance Mining Machine

TopBlocks High Performance Mining Machine

Valid mining power:100T full mining power
Service period:540+180D
Price:12,800 USDT (128U/T)
Service fee:20%

Why Choose Us?

Located in Silicon Valley

High secure data center

99.99% SLA

High secure

Engage with Filecoin Plus

More blocks, more profit

Actively engage

Multiple mining plans

Save, stable and efficient

Filecoin mining

Located in Silicon Valley

High secure data center

99.99% SLA

High secure

Engage with Filecoin Plus

More blocks, more profit

Actively engage

Multiple mining plans

Save, stable and efficient

Filecoin mining

Silicon Valley Data Center

Frequently Asked Questions

In June 2020, TOP Network invested $1.5 million into TopBlocks, which comprises three major businesses — TopBlocks Mining (IPFS), TopBlocks Studio, and TOP Supernodes. It serves as a blockchain platform for IPFS mining and blockchain games, and has its mining power and servers located in the Silicon Valley of the United States, thus avoiding any policy risks.

For over 3 years, TopBlocks has been diligently invested in the mining power arena. Services provided by the company are professional, cost-effective, and have yielded good returns. Specifically, within Filecoin mining power, TopBlocks has developed a robust and reliable mining system, with a wide range of efficient and high-performance mining equipment and services to serve the needs of different miners.

TopBlocks’ mining machine is highly reliable, secure, and cost-efficient. Its data center is located in the tech mecca of Silicon Valley, United States, and features cutting-edge 5A-level IDC servers, a 99.99% SLA service agreement, and dual-circuit uninterruptible power system. All these features significantly enhance the stability of the data center. Exceptionally, users of TopBlocks’ mining machines can expect a 30-day lucky value exceeding 110%, far exceeding the luck value of other manufacturers at 98%. This translates into an extra 10% income for users.
